Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Sometimes You Find It

Dive deep. Into the unknown. Avoid the jelly fish but do not fear them. Fear will only bring you pain. Your ears will fill with water, your breathe will run out and this is when you will find what is waiting for you down there in the dark, what has always been waiting there, waiting for you to find the courage. 

I have found what I have been looking for, what I always felt existed but was never told of - an alternative life. An alternative way of living, one where people are happy, one where people love one another and do as they wish, where people are not scared of other people and not scared to experience the world as it is.

Open your heart and let the universe/your spirit guide you to where you are meant to be. 

Life should be lived, life should be loved, life should be shared. 

- Currently washing the dishes listening to Cheer Up by Bostro Pesopeo

Sunday, February 8, 2015

I think I can Answer now

People often ask other people what that persons favourite food is.
For me this has always been a difficult to impossible questions, perhaps because I have not seriously pondered the answer as I have to the question of my favourite band or song (I have divided that answer into three categories - long term favourite (years), medium term favourite (months), short term favourite (weeks). I will expand another day).
Since moving to Sweden I have modified my diet in the direction towards the classification of vegetarian. Thanks to the quality of fresh produce available in Sweden - which in my opinion is far greater than that experienced in an average Australian supermarket - I have come to really enjoy a far greater number of vegetables and fruits, compared to my previous life when they were consumed as a necessity for my general wellbeing.
A second contributing factor of note is my great reduction in the consumption of processed sugars. After reading a little online about the positive effects of a no artificial sugar diet, I decided my sugar consumption was having greater effects than just eating too much sugar. After dinner or lunch when I was a little hungry I would consume all the processed sugar delights I could find, and as they are addictive would eat too much and not feel the greatest. Now instead, as there is none of these such items (chocolate, biscuits, etc.) in my household I eat fruit or cheese on hard bread or more of my dinner. Granted I now consume a fair quantity of cheese, I believe it is not too much and the effects of over consumption are surely better than that of the over consumption of chocolate.
When asked this question I have always immediately thought in terms of pizza, ice cream, cheese burger, steak, chocolate, nutella, biscuits, those unhealthy, "treat" type food. As my tastes have developed and matured in recent months I have come to reaslise this was not the answer and a mere distraction from the actual answer.
My favourite foods, in rough order, include but are not limited to:  
  • raw baby spinach leaves #1
  • nuts (almonds, pistachios, walnuts, cashews)
  • halloumi cheese
  • avocado
  • yogurt (though my stomach often disagrees)
  • cheese
  • bread
  • hard bread
  • muesli  
  • sweat potato
 Food I have eaten most commonly throughout my life up to present day:  
  • weet-bix
  • broccoli
  • pasta
(Not necessarily my favourites but worth an honourable mention).
Less healthy favourites:
  • sorbet ice-cream
  • homemade cheese cake
  • high quality chocolate
  • sugar coated nuts (almond and cashew)
(More of a secondary, alternative list that wins when my will power has taken a defeat).
Now that I have a prepared answer, I long for the day the next person asks me.
Listening to:
Future Islands - Singles Album
Glass Animals - ZABA Album


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Fuck Im Happy


Rock Climbing and the
Associated Community
Australia Day

Monday, January 26, 2015

Australia Day 2015

 Probably my favourite day of the year.

This year was spent in Gothenburg, Sweden. Aside from listening to Triple J's Hottest 100 it was a fairly Swedish day. I slept with a Swede at her apartment. Woke up at 9am, put on the Hottest 100 and ate the best muesli I've ever had with delicious Swedish yogurt, Swedish breakfast bun type thing with Swedish cheese and of course a beer (unfortunately of Swedish origin - still a very nice pilsner mind you).

Skyped my friends after the countdown finished (only listened to the last 5 by the time I woke up and connected to the WI-FI), talked some shit, had a good catch up, talking with video - no matter how pixelated - is always great.

She came home, we made amazing vegetarian tacos (Mexican), went to see an Icelandic film and the Gothenburg Film Festival (it was ok), followed by a visit to my favourite bar/venue and watched a live Jazz Band (Swedish).

Miserable weather, rained all day (very Un-Australian).

Went home, watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine (American) on Netflix, made love and went to sleep.

Three out of ten, not too shabby.

Slow Magic - Girls 
Röyksopp & Robyn - Do It Again 
Jamie xx - Girl 
Future Islands - Seasons (Waiting On You) 
Chrome Sparks - The Meaning Of Love 
CEO - Whorehouse 
Caribou - Can't Do Without You 
Digitalism - Wolves 
Digitalism - Fahrenheit 32 
Azura - Smoke 

beer w/ breakfast

Sunday, January 11, 2015

I am a traveller

I am a traveller who is not satisfied with the sport of visiting a city or worse, country, for half a week then crossing it off a list as 'done', seen, understood, moving on. There is so little you can gain from those 4 days. It is often an ok amount of time as a tourist taking a break from regular life, but even so I long for the satisfaction of making friends and sharing home cooked meals in locals houses. This of course is a lot more difficult to achieve.

This is the travellers bug.

This is my curse.