Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Sometimes You Find It

Dive deep. Into the unknown. Avoid the jelly fish but do not fear them. Fear will only bring you pain. Your ears will fill with water, your breathe will run out and this is when you will find what is waiting for you down there in the dark, what has always been waiting there, waiting for you to find the courage. 

I have found what I have been looking for, what I always felt existed but was never told of - an alternative life. An alternative way of living, one where people are happy, one where people love one another and do as they wish, where people are not scared of other people and not scared to experience the world as it is.

Open your heart and let the universe/your spirit guide you to where you are meant to be. 

Life should be lived, life should be loved, life should be shared. 

- Currently washing the dishes listening to Cheer Up by Bostro Pesopeo