Monday, January 18, 2010

you know the world is fucked up when there is more variety of canned tuna for cats then there is for humans.

you know the world is fucked up when Easter eggs come onto shop shelves on boxing day

and why do these huge natural disasters always happen/effect the poorest nations. I'm looking at you haiti. even what happened to new Orleans occured in perhaps the poorest part of arguably the richest country. at least mother nature unites humans and brings out the compassion in people. the sad thing is, is that it takes commercial world media coverage to bring out that hidden compassion. then again it I hard to hear about the real news, and it is tv medias JOB to deliver us the truth. today the commercial channels top story was about a family with no power in on a very hot but not rare day, and how thyre ice cream had melted. the story included breath taking footage of the mother throwing out vegitables because the fridge had no power. the story then linked to a reporter on the beach "reporting" on how people had come to the beach today. COMPLETLY unexpected given it is fucking summer.
oh and by reported I mean blonde female with big boobs and by reporting i mean wearing a revealing top on camera while pretending thay she knows how to read

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