Thursday, April 5, 2012

398 to go

aww lost a friend on facebook. i was so close to reaching 400, which has been my number one goal in life for the past few seconds. now i am back down to the shamming 398 :'( how ever will i show my self in the virtual society
i hope they miss me as much as i miss them, i already miss having them as a number in my life already. we were so close.
i will always wonder what could have been, perhaps you were the one i was destine to be with.
i will always question why i have lost this most valuable friendship, what i can improve in myself, perhaps i did not hold the elevators for you as you ran for the door because i thought it would be funnier if you didnt make it. perhaps i publicly made reference to fat people in a negative way that offended you in some way
what ever the reason i hope you can find it in your heart to one day friend me again.
until then,

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


you know what ive realised. i lose at everything (sport related).
indoor soccer, outdoor soccer, volleyball, indoor cricket
golf and tennis i have a chance depending on who im playing. if they havnt played since around the last time i played i have a chance.
cycling, i beat a lot of people on the commuter track but they are twice my age, step into the serious competition and i am destroyed, granted im not nearly as serious as everyone but still.
the only thing i truly dominate at is halo 1 and 2 on xbox.
even school, academicaly, i was never the smartest. i was like the average person in the smart peoples maths class in high school. better than anyone who wasnt in the class but only average with in the class. this followed in uni. though i would say i was slightly above average at university, results wise.
im basically just above average in everything i do, and in a lot of areas. if you weighted my scores in a lot of areas i think i would do okej, well more than just above average.
i dunno if its good or bad. its probably better to dominate in a couple of things and be below average in everything else. everything else that you dont care so much about.
average enough to have fun but not to win a lot. than you dominate confidently in your chosen fields.
i only ever get a bit above average, on the boarder of being out of the average category but not quite, like photography and playing pool table, and halo 1 & 2.

Monday, April 2, 2012


since getting more friends on twitter - mostly uni friends, ive decided its not safe to express all my thoughts on twitter. so im going to re start my blog. i titled it Royal Gregory after the Holy fuck song.

1. i figured out why love europe and feel like i fit in more there - I prefer EU music, films, sports, models, cars, girls, guys. when mom was pregnant with me, pretty pregnant i think, my family travelled europe. Mom, Dad, Ray, Laura. They went to Paris and Germany to see my uncle. they climbed the Eiffel tower and walked under the Brandenburg gates and drove around the UK.
believing that when you are young you are best at absorbing information, it is entirely likely that even hearing the foreign accents while in my most early developing stage i grew a fondness and love for europe that was suppressed most of my life. suppressed until i heard the amazing music of the Tough Alliance and other swedish electronic indie bands.
i cant find a clip on youtube. but theres an episode of malcom in the middle (s1 e25) where Louis is pregnant with malcom and hal is trying to teach reese to be smart so hes playing clasical music and uing flash cards to teach him, but it works on malcom not reece.