Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Sometimes You Find It

Dive deep. Into the unknown. Avoid the jelly fish but do not fear them. Fear will only bring you pain. Your ears will fill with water, your breathe will run out and this is when you will find what is waiting for you down there in the dark, what has always been waiting there, waiting for you to find the courage. 

I have found what I have been looking for, what I always felt existed but was never told of - an alternative life. An alternative way of living, one where people are happy, one where people love one another and do as they wish, where people are not scared of other people and not scared to experience the world as it is.

Open your heart and let the universe/your spirit guide you to where you are meant to be. 

Life should be lived, life should be loved, life should be shared. 

- Currently washing the dishes listening to Cheer Up by Bostro Pesopeo

Sunday, February 8, 2015

I think I can Answer now

People often ask other people what that persons favourite food is.
For me this has always been a difficult to impossible questions, perhaps because I have not seriously pondered the answer as I have to the question of my favourite band or song (I have divided that answer into three categories - long term favourite (years), medium term favourite (months), short term favourite (weeks). I will expand another day).
Since moving to Sweden I have modified my diet in the direction towards the classification of vegetarian. Thanks to the quality of fresh produce available in Sweden - which in my opinion is far greater than that experienced in an average Australian supermarket - I have come to really enjoy a far greater number of vegetables and fruits, compared to my previous life when they were consumed as a necessity for my general wellbeing.
A second contributing factor of note is my great reduction in the consumption of processed sugars. After reading a little online about the positive effects of a no artificial sugar diet, I decided my sugar consumption was having greater effects than just eating too much sugar. After dinner or lunch when I was a little hungry I would consume all the processed sugar delights I could find, and as they are addictive would eat too much and not feel the greatest. Now instead, as there is none of these such items (chocolate, biscuits, etc.) in my household I eat fruit or cheese on hard bread or more of my dinner. Granted I now consume a fair quantity of cheese, I believe it is not too much and the effects of over consumption are surely better than that of the over consumption of chocolate.
When asked this question I have always immediately thought in terms of pizza, ice cream, cheese burger, steak, chocolate, nutella, biscuits, those unhealthy, "treat" type food. As my tastes have developed and matured in recent months I have come to reaslise this was not the answer and a mere distraction from the actual answer.
My favourite foods, in rough order, include but are not limited to:  
  • raw baby spinach leaves #1
  • nuts (almonds, pistachios, walnuts, cashews)
  • halloumi cheese
  • avocado
  • yogurt (though my stomach often disagrees)
  • cheese
  • bread
  • hard bread
  • muesli  
  • sweat potato
 Food I have eaten most commonly throughout my life up to present day:  
  • weet-bix
  • broccoli
  • pasta
(Not necessarily my favourites but worth an honourable mention).
Less healthy favourites:
  • sorbet ice-cream
  • homemade cheese cake
  • high quality chocolate
  • sugar coated nuts (almond and cashew)
(More of a secondary, alternative list that wins when my will power has taken a defeat).
Now that I have a prepared answer, I long for the day the next person asks me.
Listening to:
Future Islands - Singles Album
Glass Animals - ZABA Album


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Fuck Im Happy


Rock Climbing and the
Associated Community
Australia Day

Monday, January 26, 2015

Australia Day 2015

 Probably my favourite day of the year.

This year was spent in Gothenburg, Sweden. Aside from listening to Triple J's Hottest 100 it was a fairly Swedish day. I slept with a Swede at her apartment. Woke up at 9am, put on the Hottest 100 and ate the best muesli I've ever had with delicious Swedish yogurt, Swedish breakfast bun type thing with Swedish cheese and of course a beer (unfortunately of Swedish origin - still a very nice pilsner mind you).

Skyped my friends after the countdown finished (only listened to the last 5 by the time I woke up and connected to the WI-FI), talked some shit, had a good catch up, talking with video - no matter how pixelated - is always great.

She came home, we made amazing vegetarian tacos (Mexican), went to see an Icelandic film and the Gothenburg Film Festival (it was ok), followed by a visit to my favourite bar/venue and watched a live Jazz Band (Swedish).

Miserable weather, rained all day (very Un-Australian).

Went home, watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine (American) on Netflix, made love and went to sleep.

Three out of ten, not too shabby.

Slow Magic - Girls 
Röyksopp & Robyn - Do It Again 
Jamie xx - Girl 
Future Islands - Seasons (Waiting On You) 
Chrome Sparks - The Meaning Of Love 
CEO - Whorehouse 
Caribou - Can't Do Without You 
Digitalism - Wolves 
Digitalism - Fahrenheit 32 
Azura - Smoke 

beer w/ breakfast

Sunday, January 11, 2015

I am a traveller

I am a traveller who is not satisfied with the sport of visiting a city or worse, country, for half a week then crossing it off a list as 'done', seen, understood, moving on. There is so little you can gain from those 4 days. It is often an ok amount of time as a tourist taking a break from regular life, but even so I long for the satisfaction of making friends and sharing home cooked meals in locals houses. This of course is a lot more difficult to achieve.

This is the travellers bug.

This is my curse.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

My First Hitch Hiking Experience (Scandinavian Winter)


In terms of results, I had mixed success. In terms of self development it was a great success.

My first attempt was to catch a fairly simple ride across the bridge from Copenhagen to Malmo. There is a great place to stand by the entry to the bridge (discovered using Hitchwiki.org) where there are two lanes, one going to Malmo one going to Copenhagen. It was around 3 degrees C, windy and best of all raining (4mm forecast for that day). Luckily I waited only about 15-20 minutes before I was picked up by a nice older man who had just dropped his wife at the airport.

 My second attempt later that day was to wait at the entrance to a highway where some cars might be headed to Gothenburg. It was late at night and after an hour of waiting in the freezing cold I concluded that no one would be driving 2.5 hours to Gothenburg at 7pm at night on a Wednesday. So although satisfied I retreated back into the city to catch the 10pm bus.

I would never had have the courage to attempt such a task had it not been for HitchWiki.org - a great resources, taking the guess work out hitch hiking and saving hours. The greatest advantage would have to be the confidence it instils in an individual to attempt such a seemingly absurd feat.

Hitch hiking was a great, humbling experience and like several things I have done as of late, took a great deal of courage for me to attempt for the first time and alone - but what would be the point of travelling/life if you wernt able to challenge yourself and push boundaries. I mean for the first half an hour of standing there I couldn't stop laughing at myself, the image I must be projecting and the absurdity of hitch hiking, in Scandinavia, in winter, in the rain, at night - I just couldn't get over it, what would my Mother and Father say, they would of course condemn it as suicidal without any prior experience or understanding of the concept. Not to say hitch hiking is entirely safe, and understanding that the utmost care should be taken.

Hitch hiking was a refreshing experience, having people staring at you in disapproval, "who is this poor kid who cannot afford the bus, hes probably on drugs, hes probably homeless, hes probably going to kill us if we let him in". (This is of course is a huge generalisation and based on what my Father would say if we drove past a hitch hiker). That feeling of everyone staring at you in disapproval as you ask the world for a small favour - though not the same - I feel like it must be how homeless people and beggars (of which there are many in Sweden) must feel as they spend all day asking for peoples loose change so they can afford the bare necessities to sustain life.

Putting yourself at the mercy of a strangers generosity rather than booking a bus trip at a pre designated time is a humbling experience, not for everyone but worth a try.

I would add my view on hitch hiking as an Australian are vastly different to a Europeans, as hitch hiking in Aus is far less practical and common.

I will definitely try it again, I feel there are plenty of adventures waiting to unfold through this rare and amazing form of transport.

Next on the list to becoming a vagabond: dumpster diving.

Monday, December 8, 2014


Since leaving home I have been out of my comfort zone more than I have been in it. Including, but not limited to:

- bungee jumping (I'm a tad scared of heights - this was terrifying)

- hitch hiking in the rain in Scandinavia with people looking at you in disgust

- going to a night club, alone, on my birthday (the story of a low point turning into a high point when I woke up next to someone in the morning)

Other notable achievements within my comfort zone:

- patting lion cubs, adult cheetah
- becoming overly friendly with a wild, full sized male giraffe
- couch surfing (sleeping on a strangers couch)

Friday, November 28, 2014

If you want the Rainbow (you must have the Rain)

Take your share of trouble, face it and don't complain
If you want the rainbow, you must have the rain
A good message in this song and though fairly obvious, it applies to many of life's adventures. In Sweden I see my fair amount of rain both in weather and challenges but those glimpses of the rainbow, the people I meet, the bands I see live, the experiences I have, all make that cold winter rain bearable - even when it seems like the rain will never give up.
Enjoy the rain.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

My Journey to Vegetarianism

The cruelty to animals is devastating and hurts me emotionally every time I think about it, but the thing that really touched me is the spiritual connection all beings have on this earth.

Monday, November 24, 2014

New Years Resolution Complete

For probably the first time in my life I have set a substantial New Years Resolution and completed it. Granted I had intended on doing said resolution prior to last year, however the commitment to myself that this resolution imposed proved a great motivator when doubts leaked into my mind.

My resolution was along the lines of "to be living in a country other than Australia on my 25th birthday".

Me in Sweden the morning after my bday

The proof:

Date: November.2014
Location: Sweden

Sweden ≠ Australia.

Resolution = complete. 

Me in Cape Town on top of Table Mountain.
(Though unrelated to Sweden or my resolution it is a cooler photo)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

I Think I've Found the One

After 25 years of life on the dot, I think I have found the perfect pair of jeans.

Good length, good tightness, not too baggy, comfy, nice material.

They are Tiger of Sweden

Day 51.

Day 51.

Had a good day today, until I dropped a 1 Litre bottle of Amarula I previously bought duty free.

Usually alcohol leads to depression once it is consumed, not before.

Nevertheless, this video always improves my mood:




Sunday, November 16, 2014





to be c o n t i n u e d

Friday, November 14, 2014

Slow Magic Live in GBG

Slow Magic was incredible to see live. So much energy.

I was expecting a nice fairly typical electronic slow paced gig with the artist bopping behind a laptop as the one might assume being a long time listener of his music. But he managed to create a unique dance party atmosphere with the addition of live drums. Feeling each drum beat through your body really puts you in the right mood to let go and dance. The crowd went crazy and really fed of his energy. And when he took his drum and stood in the crowd at the exact point I was standing and proceeded to play after the few seconds of confusion, the crowd was fanatical.
Bravo dude.

1) I arrived an hour late and missed 2/3 bands I wanted to see, mainly Blue Hawaii and Craft Spells, mostly disappointed, though Slow Magic easily made up for missing the others.

2) After waiting for my bus for 2 hours during which time 3 scheduled busses did not eventuate, rather than testing my ability to survive in extreme conditions, and due to the lack of homeless people sleeping on the streets, I decided I would probably die and walked to a friends apartment where I knew the code to the building and sleep on the floor outside their door for a few hours before catching the first bus home. Home: 6am. Duration: 5 hours.

Friday, November 7, 2014


Alice leaves Crystal Castles

When I picture teenager me, Crystal Castles is playing in the background.

Did you know Alice left CC? Like a month ago? I didn’t see until now when I 'read' it in a Swedish magazine I picked up. I feel heartbroken. They still are my most listened to band on last FM, by a long way. I have so many different memories and experiences while in the presence of their sounds and have associate them with many different friends, because I listened to them for so many years. My memories of them are largely chronological, as I grew up and changed as a person with CC, similar to the way you reminisce about your child hood pet.

Listening to them for the first time on my friends PC—I can picture the room perfectly. While I knew instantly they were amazing (that raw garage sound of their very first ep) at that time I could not fathom the influence the Canadian band would have on my teen life—listening to them hours on end, pumping it up in the car as you drive feeling free and detached from any worry you have. When I picture teenager me, CC is playing in the background.

Every time I was at a party I would high jack the music and put them on. And people would say what the fuck is this shit. And we could only smile, and feel sorry for those who had not yet let Alice and Ethan into their hearts.

Seeing them live each time was a different experience and always a crazy one. As one comment sums up perfectly:

Incredibly mind blowing. What were the lyrics? I don't know, don't care. Crystal castles took my mind to another world, and I wanna stay there.

Seeing them live was an incredible experience, always resulting in a t-shirt drenched in sweat and the inability to comprehend what you were just a part of. The world you are returned to seems so foreign and unfamiliar and you want nothing but to return to the state of euphoria experienced in the middle of the crowd while Alice is crowd surfing over your head. 

Live highlights include dancing to them at the back of the crowd on crutches with a broken heal, Alice throwing everything off stage because the technicians at Parklife screwed up the audio, and of course one of the best highlights of my life – touching Alice’s boob as she crowd surfed.

It was nice reminiscing about the past while I listened to their entire Spotify catalogue - about 3 hours’ worth, after hearing the news.

I feel heart broken, but somehow in a positive way. Like when you end a relationship and realise it was the right thing to do. I love the genius of Ethan but as I have been listening to him grow for 10 or so years I think change will be a good thing for both partners.

I am looking forward to Alice’s solo music and what Ethan comes up with for the new CC. 




http://youtu.be/rBL25PU6zbE gives a pretty good overview of the show (this video is what convinced me to go see it).

Someone I met in a hostel who is seeing The KNIFE in London next week said he read a review which suggested the show was boring. I’ve got no idea how they thought that. Unless you’ve never listened to The Knife, never been to a live show, you wouldn’t say. No one would say that. My Mom wouldn’t say it was boring, she would say it’s different or interesting. It’s not really her thing but I’m sure she could see the entertainment value in it. For it was a spectacular performance, perfectly choreographed, great costumes, and brilliant sounds – couldn’t ask for more.

Prior to seeing them I will admit I was a bit worried because their latest album is a bit different and slow and I thought they would play more of the new stuff as bands generally do. I like the new stuff, but I think at a live concert it might not go down so well.

However, the geniuses that are The  
KNIFE played all their greatest songs and mixed every song so that it was impossible not to dance.

As a result I danced nonstop for an hour. It was one of those rare moments when you are not thinking about what you are doing, you are uncontrollably dancing.

I could not choose whether to dance or not, even how to dance. I had no say, the music just took over and I was a puppet to its rhythmic chant. And it was amazing. Some of the most fun I’ve ever had listening to live music and dancing.

(Other dancing highlights in my life include Digitalism live, Crystal Castles live, Kitsune Club Night, that small club in Osaka, that club in East Berlin that plays only 80/90s old school hip hop).

The Swedish crowds are a bit boring. The girl standing next to me was a tad older and just stood there the entire time. The only time she moved was to put her bag on the other shoulder as I kept bumping into it. I’m not sure but I think she was sleeping standing up. Her bf was behind dancing a fair bit so I think it’s safe to say he dragged her along.

I think dancing is courageous, if no one around you dances no matter how you feel about the music most people hesitate to dance, or hesitate to fully let go and embrace the rhythm. Most people I could see in front of me were only dancing in the main songs and not going very crazy—a sad sight to see given the quality of the show. However when I looked beside me and behind most people were dancing pretty good, so, and I could be imagining this, but I would like to think my constant dancing from the start infected the people behind and gave them the energy and freedom to let go and dance as the music intended and their heart desired.

Full disclosure: I drank about two shots of gin before I entered the venue and bought one beer, safe to say in terms of alcohol I was near sober, in terms of feelings I was anything but. And I was there by myself, which wasn’t too bad, but did mean I didn’t hang around for the DJ playing some good tunes after the show.

The KNIFE – the best band I have ever seen.

My Journey to Sweden


My Journey to Sweden

I idealised Sweden into a fantasy.

It was one Saturday night while I lay in my bed facing the wall feeling sorry for myself, that I announced 'I will live in Sweden' in the near future for at least some extended period of time. Still feeling the effects of a recent breakup with a beautiful yet mentally unstable girl, of whom I did not love but nonetheless felt the painful effects of sudden loneliness which a breakup instigates, and worse, the severe division of a once great friendship group (which I highly undervalued and did not appreciate) by the Achilles heel if most young men – a stupid, stupid girl. I felt I had not a true, like for like friend in the world. 

Except maybe in Sweden, a girl I had met 2 years prior. She seemed like the one person in the world who was most similar to me, to whom I could say anything, and at times words were not required; there was a special connection, on a subatomic level one might say. She was, I suppose, that person I was always searching for.

I had it once, a friend I made in high school. We became friends and had a group of friends who were united for the mere fact we did not belong anywhere else in high school social hierarchy. We agreed on so many fundamental levels, spent our days laughing at normal people, it was great. However as with many good things it was not to last, we have since drifted apart for no real reason.

I have since realised my idea of friendship had simply not adapted to my surroundings as I grew older. Friendship is an ever evolving, dynamic term with different meanings to different people, and I failed to see that, I failed to adapt. A true friend takes years of relationship building. A true friend sticks around. The best thing about a true friend is that you don’t have to make with that annoying small talk, you can talk about real things.  

My idealised view of friendship was stuck in the past, in the good old teen days when hanging out with friends and deciding how to kill the time with what little to no money you had was the only thing on your mind. Spending days planning how to get the next supply of alcohol, discussing new music from around the world no one had heard of, killing time waiting at bus stops on Sundays. Bikes, parks, house parties, pools, video games, music, 3-way chat on your parent’s landline.

I believed there must be more truly like-minded people out there. I have lived in one district, of one city, in one country.  There are billions of people out there, thousands of cities and after 8 weeks travelling around Western Europe I had met at least one.

Ultimately I left thinking the grass was greener on the other side (of the world) in the country of Sweden which I had idealised into a fantasy dream land. In truth Sweden became an obsession for me, something to think and dream about when the life I was living was in a trough on the rollercoaster that is life. It was a place to escape to mentally, dream of my ideal life in a distant and perfect country while staring at the white walls of my three sided office cubical. Leave all my baggage and sorrows behind – which in truth, I have come to realise, follows you wherever you are unless you deal with them mentally, on a most uncomfortable level.

I left for Sweden because I was in a comfortable relationship with a girl (I might have loved) but didn't see us lasting, and a job which would lead my life down a path I didn't want to go down – a path where family did not come first. I came with the intent of following my chosen profession of engineering but perhaps subconsciously I had no intent of following it. As it turns out the booming industry in Norway which I was certain to find a job is currently in the beginning of a downturn.

I thought all I wanted in life was happiness, but I realise all I want is true freedom. I find it hard to believe that is truly possible when you are working 50 hours a week so that you can fit into a disposable, consumer society that has been created for us by people who want our money.

I wish to lead a truly free life, one where I am not subject to the constraints of the modern world. That being said, I was raised in a city and technology has always surrounded me, (at this stage) I’m not about to give up my laptop and digital camera, but I would happily forego unnecessary items in return for time spent living. We live in a disposable world, a consumer society; everyone wants every dollar you earn.

I don't know if I have the courage to live the truly free life which so few in this world do. I did move half way around the world, swapping hemispheres, to a city I've never been to, without a job, without a care – as I could feel deep down it was simply something that needed to be done. That took a lot of personal courage in itself, and perhaps by continuing along these stepping stones I can create my own path to personal freedom, rather than following the path that has been set for me by the people who set out to control the masses with fear and war.

When people asked why, I told people what they wanted to hear depending on the person and in turn lied to (and confused) myself. I couldn’t keep track of the difference between the reasons that were extensions of the truth and the actual truth. In truth I don’t think I really knew/know. I had the strongest feeling, this voice telling me to jump and it wouldn’t go away, moving became a burning desire. So I jumped.

Somebody I worked with, a highly conservative, very clever and articulated guy, once snickered at the thought of people traveling to Europe to "discover themselves".

He believed people should not quit a good job that they did not enjoy to continue to search for a job that better suited them. Rather stick with it—who cares if you are unhappy, you are contributing to society and that in itself should be rewarding enough. As he enjoys his job, I find it hard for him to relate to someone who is searching for their role in this world.

I propose he did not take into consideration that when you remove the distractions of daily life, add a sense of adventure and experience new places and new people, experience social solitude, only then can you truly think and contemplate the most important questions in your life. You are not a slave that must contribute to society in the way that we have been programmed to do – we are all unique and have unique ways of contributing to the greater good of society.

I do not regret coming here. It is so much harder to regret doing something, big or small, successful or not, than to not have done it at all - and spend the rest of your years wondering what if. In 3 weeks I have learnt more about life than in the past 3 years. The lack of distractions in the form of work and the general minor issues that plague life, increased contact with nature, decreased proximity to nature and social solitude, have all played a vital part in my ability to achieve an increased state of awareness and while contemplating and reflecting in this atmosphere I have been able to learnt more about life.

I have begun yoga meditation, had the time to read and reflect on many self-improvement, self-exploration articles and have been fortunate enough to appreciate nature a new wilderness different to that of my home country. I have met amazing people of different genres, and although they have merely come in and out of my life as a cameo appearance on a television show, it is always great to meet new people.

Though I wish to make great lasting friends, I think the solitude I will inevitably experience in a world where social importance is dominant, will give me the time to reflect and learn more about myself and my life. For you cannot truly love others until you love yourself.


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Since you've been gone.

Since July 2012, I have travelled far and wide, I had a Japanese girl friend who I was quite fond of, and most notably as of 1 month ago I have moved to Sweden for an opportunity at altering the pre planned path my life was leading down.

I have had a lot of time to think and as such this blog has become a necessity.

Please don't read it.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

London 2012

i just got very excited for the Olympics.
if this was a tv commercial it would definitely increase viewers


Friday, June 22, 2012

office life of a fat man

have you noticed that all those super geeky cult sci fis all have star in the title. star wars, star trek, star gate. are they really that unimaginative? i like/love starwars, but not the others. 
i thought about this cos theres an engineer at work who has a star trek mug that is clearly from 20 years ago. and then we were in a meeting iwth him and his phone went off and it was the star wars theme song. brilliant. and if you saw this guy he talks and laughs like a geek. nice guy tho and good engineer. but its just funny, filling the stereotype of geeky engineer. 
but the real story i have to tell is about someone else at work. who sits in our office and surfs the net all day calls people ordering glazed pots or camping equipment or talking with debt collectors and does work for 30 minutes. hes about 60 and retiring in a year or 2 so really dosnt give a shit. fair enough i say. 
anyway, he is interesting and does plenty of other things like listening to music with head phones so loud everyone can hear it, which is bad enough but then he starts singing, nice and loudly and of course badly. 
his latest saga has been to do with fixing an imported scooter from italy that is special in some way, cos he cant get a license for it since he has high blood pressure. ill keep you updated on that one. cos he has pictures glued onto blue card board in the office, similar to a kid making a collage of his favourite cars. 
his favourite saying is "to cut a long story short" which he uses in almost every story he tells, on the phone in person, to work mates, glazed pot sellers and debt collectors. always makes me think, thank god hes not telling the the long version, fuck. 

anyway, he often disappears for periods of time, sometime admitting he is going to buy a cd from a shop. but sometimes its meetings. but sometimes he comes back after 15-20 minutes and he walks in panting like he just ran 20 metres -pause- i forgot to tell you his appearance. he is a 60+ year old man from north england with a thick jordy accent even though hes been here for ages. he is pretty short, about my shoulder height, though ive never stood that close too him, but no higher then my chin for sure. he has a very big, very fat, very round, beer belly. maybe hes just preparing for his retirement so he can sit on the couch for days without having to move - which would be cleaver. but clearly he does not eat very well. in all aspects. content wise as well as mannerism wise, but this is another benefit of his large belly/beer gut (cant really say belly since it pretty much includes his chest), which he uses to catch food that falls out of his mouth as he eats, a disadvantage many fat people have due to their habit of eating too fast. 
he has also admitted that he is what you would call an english 'mod', or 'stompy'. which apparently means they wear doc martins, long leather coats, rolled up jeans, round glasses and an odd hat or some sought. ok -resume- once he comes back panting like he went for a jog, he sits down re arranges some of his things while saying 'ok' to himself several times. although i have not thought about it a lot (i swear) i have always assumed it is cos he has spent the last 20 minutes on the toilet and i have always stopped my imagination from going on further. 
however, the other day i went to the toilet. i wanted a break and just sit in silence for a few minutes, maybe take a quick nap. while i was in my cubical relaxing, on my phone about to wish my mom happy birthday on facebook, a man comes in. and with out going into any details proceeded to complete the task with great effort and a lot of noise. similar to that of someone at the gym lifting too much weights. 
i got up and left after about 5 seconds of realising who it was. i came back to my desk and waited, roughly 20 minutes and sure enough he returned panting more then myself after the 20km ride to work. 
needless to say, i had now confirmed why he often returned panting. and concluded that he must eat too much red meat. maybe i should subtly drop hints that one should eat less meat and try this new age thing called exercise.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

398 to go

aww lost a friend on facebook. i was so close to reaching 400, which has been my number one goal in life for the past few seconds. now i am back down to the shamming 398 :'( how ever will i show my self in the virtual society
i hope they miss me as much as i miss them, i already miss having them as a number in my life already. we were so close.
i will always wonder what could have been, perhaps you were the one i was destine to be with.
i will always question why i have lost this most valuable friendship, what i can improve in myself, perhaps i did not hold the elevators for you as you ran for the door because i thought it would be funnier if you didnt make it. perhaps i publicly made reference to fat people in a negative way that offended you in some way
what ever the reason i hope you can find it in your heart to one day friend me again.
until then,